
Inane tribal rituals and responses, submission to ancient dogmatic interpretations and extreme mythical beliefs.  Examples of Immaturity and Ignorance at its best.  If I would have been told 40 years ago that the world would be entrenched in such clap-trap, I would have laughed and dismissed the idea with a wave of my hand.  At that time, I knew the world was progressing.  I could see it happening all around me.  I knew we were growing and learning from our errors and finding ways to uncover and spread the gospel of man's true potential.  It was the 60's and we were celebrating love and we were on our way to the moon (which is still an amazing accomplishment for the times).  I must admit, Astrology, Gangs, body piercing and tattoos, rampant pornography and drugs, Religious extremism and terrorism is not what I envisioned four decades into the future.

Greed and Power mongering are also much more formidable enemies to a "civil" civilization than I thought.  Most of the people who get into office spend a majority of their time and energy just trying to stay there.  Stupidity and Apathy are much more prevalent now than I would ever have guessed as well.  To top it all off, the whole World procrastinates until such time as necessity demands immediate action. . . .and even then, we waffle.  One of the things I find most repulsive are the Monsters that live among us and our inability to form a consensus as to what should be done about them.
Murderers, Rapists, Child Molesters. . .etc:
Natural Selection dictates that those unable to successfully survive in the environment die off; and so, their descendant lines are eliminated.  Though when Darwin spoke of it, he was primarily referring to genotypes and environmental adaptivity, it's true from a Societal perspective as well.  In much of man's history. . . perpetrators of particularly abominable acts against the citizenry would simply have been eliminated as unwanted garbage.  Selected out, if you will.  Whether heinous, uncivilized and inhuman acts are committed due to genetics or upbringing, the recidivism rate for certain types makes it evident that a progressive and growing civilization can't afford to put up with such Monsters. . .. for any reason.
The opening of the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson states as follows:  "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. . . .. . ."
Abraham Lincoln stated in the Gettysburg Address:  "Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on the continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."

"All men are created equal":  Whether you theologically abide by the term "created" or not, it's a moving sentiment that promotes unity and tolerance for those who believe and practice it. Decent human beings revere "Life" itself and are understandably hesitant to terminate anyone's existence.  There is, however, a paradox with regard to the belief that every human being is equal, and that the life of every man and woman should be revered equally, no matter what they are and what they do.

Though the belief and practice speaks of a civilization with golden ideals and a dream of cultivating a beautiful garden on earth for everyone, it's also a practice that helps protect and nurture the very weeds, seeds and toxins that poison, consume and kill it.  Unless a garden of weeds that finally chokes itself to death is what you're after, it really doesn't seem to make much sense to abide by this belief in every sense of the word.

Referring to mankind through the eyes of (a) God, proclaiming that all men must be considered "equal in value". . . that's
Religion.  Stating that men deserve and must be "treated" and "considered" equal regarding property and rights . . that's The Law.  That men should all be seen and "addressed " as equals . . that's Politics.   Through it’s loftiest interpretation, it’s compassion for our fellow man.
Religions need people to save.  The Law protects and prosecutes people.  Politicians need all the people they can influence to provide them power and position (hopefully for the good of those people).  Religion, Law and Politics are all man-made concepts.  I personally understand, and abide, by all three "equality perspectives", however, it doesn't take a genius to see that as far as physical ability, mental capacity, civil behavior and innate potential are concerned, men are anything but equal.  And though differences are a certainly a good thing. . . there are Monsters among us.
At this point in life, I'm in favor of the death penalty ("Criminal Euthanasia" might be a more palatable term for the politically correct crowd ).  I haven't always felt that way, I used to be more idealistic.  If it's at all possible, I would like to be that way again before I die.  Then again, I used to believe that a more intelligent and complete humanity on all levels was inevitable.  I do hope there is hope for idealistic goals like that again.

"Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord":  I'm not interested in vengeance.  I'm not even interested in punishment.  I'm interested in eliminating from our civilization the Monsters whose inhuman acts and very lives degrade and prevent a civilized fruition.  Their detestable behavior not only turns our stomachs and makes us angry and ill, but totally destroys the lives of the innocent people they prey on .
Some don't believe we have the right to take any life at all and they also warn of collateral damage: Innocent lives may accidentally be taken.  Errors in judgment may occur.  We are trying to build and maintain a civilization composed of peaceful people that have a wide variety of differences and potentials, who have a common goal of remaining that way and evolving into all they can be.  But, our living space is infected with Monsters. . . and until such time as the Monsters are gone, collateral damage is inevitable, both from the Monsters and probably from the Society too.  It happens.

Would I prefer that those who are too inhuman to fit in our civilized world could be, like magic, extracted completely and placed somewhere else rather than be eliminated ? Absolutely.   I'm a strong adherent of an Island or a Planetary quarantine.  The Planetary quarantine solution in particular would be very nice, but we're not capable of that yet.  Our present technology IS, however, capable of providing confinement and surveillance on islands that would separate Them from Us.  They could be provided the opportunity to survive (if possible) in their own misshapen Societies, but without the possibility of invading ours.   But I don’t think I’ll hold my breath.
We don't have the leadership, organization and where-with-all to keep tens of millions of Third World Migrants from invading our country and stealing from us. . . .right under our noses. . .and with our government's help no less.  How could I hold much hope that we will ever handle the Monster problem with the necessary degree of common sense and efficiency.
In the United States, about 13,000 people have been legally executed since colonial times . From 1976 until July 2002, there were 784 executions in the US.  About 30 to 60 prisoners are currently killed annually.  Over 70% of the population in America approve of keeping the death penalty.  There are about a dozen States in the United States that have eliminated Capital Punishment completely.
There are those who want to halt Capital Punishment, stop eliminating the Monsters.   I don't think we're eliminating enough of them.   I don't think they belong here. (Joseph Holbrook © 2008)
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Please don't twist or misunderstand this short commentary.  I am moved to total frustration and tears by Genocide and Racism.  I find man's inhumanity and stupidity along these lines unconscionable.  The comments below have to do with those among us who promote and partake in these and even more unforgivable acts.  I don't think they belong here.