OCTOBER  '05                                              "RAMBLINGS" 

"Once you really grasp the potential of who, what and where you are.... it's impossible to be bored" 

"When you're in a taxi or limousine, sometimes it's pleasant to have conversation with the driver about common interests.  Generally, however, you don't tell him how to drive or how to get somewhere unless he asks.   So, if I'm driving, just pretend like you're in a taxi or a limousine... thank you dear." 

OCTOBER '05                                   "A FEW THOUGHTS" 

"Somtimes there's so much noise in the room where we live and work, we can miss the beautiful music coming from the room right next door.   We're not in a position to turn the music up, so the only way to hear it clearly..... is to quiet the room we're in.... absolutely.  That's all that meditation is." 

"I have found a few of the most valuable assets in life to be love, friendship and humor.  A whole lot of money would be awfully nice though, whether you had any of that other stuff or not." 

"I've always wondered.   If you die and go to heaven... can you leave if you want to?"   

"The other day I listened to an author expound on "The Pursuit of Happiness".   He said he believed that happiness is actually a "retrospective concept".   I'm not sure I totally agree with him, but I must admit, sometimes it seems a whole lot easier to remember what made me happy yesterday, than to figure out how to guarantee that exact feeling today." 

         "Something I remember from when I was very young: Dad got an aquarium.  He liked the looks of a small "red-tailed black shark" that was about 2 inches long and he asked the proprietor, "How big will it get". 
          The proprietor replied, "It depends on how large the tank is.   It will only grow as large as the environment you put it in." 
          I can't tell you how many times I've thought about that statement.  How it most certainly must apply to so many of us." 

OCTOBER '05:                                                     "BEER" 

I had to quit drinking beer about 2 years ago and I miss it .   Beer is sort of like a well trained mongrel dog.   It's inexpensive, but does just what you want it to do.  You tend to miss that kind of a dog. 
SEPTEMBER '05:                                 JUDGE ROBERTS 

Scientists tell us that in the sub-atomic world, the act of observation itself alters reality. We are also told that this does not happen on the gross-material plane. 

I submit that the confirmation hearings on Judge John Roberts perfectly exemplifies that it DOES happen on this plane.  Serious confirmation protocol has been replaced with a dog and pony show because of television cameras. 

TV cameras have changed the hearing into something other than what it would have been were we not watching.  Both Democrats and Republicans are guilty.  Both trying to prove to their constituency what hard-liners they are in representing their political party. 

Actually, I am in favor of government actions being available for public scrutiny.  The problem here is both psychological and political in nature.  Unfortunately, I think it's an insurmountable problem given the nature of mankind in general and politicians specifically.  Perhaps we should go ahead and give it a name. 

I've thought about it and I like QUASI Government Television.  QUASI = Quantum Unreliability in Appearance, Substance and Integrity.  Seems to fit. 
JUNE                                                "PUBLIC USE" 

There was a recent Supreme Court decision regarding the right of local government to employ Eminent Domain to "take private property".   At issue was the scope of the Fifth Amendment, which allows the taking of the land if it is for "public use." (restoring blighted areas, building highways etc.)   In this case, a PRIVATE developer would use the land for office buildings, or a mall.   The local government won.    The private developer won.   The people lost ownership of their homes and property, and we lost a piece of what we are. 

The documents so important to the structure and function of our country, mean absolutely nothing if we permit the most important words in them to be redefined.    In this case our Supreme Court has redefined "Public Use".   Our societal horizon is slowly being littered with re-defined words.    Significant aspects of our nation are being changed.    Change is not necessarily a bad thing, but erosion is another matter all together. 

I applaud those who are now legally trying to grab Supreme Court justice Souter's home, destroy it and build a hotel (public use).    Souter and his four constituents in this case have not interpreted the Constitution.     They have institued a private agenda. 

To paraphrase a recent comment by comedian George Carlin:     "Iraq is having a problem writing a constitution.     Why don't we just give them ours.     We're not using it anymore." 

As much as possible, it's quite necessary to observe and stand in judgement of those behind the changes being promoted.    It may not be long before you'll be required to get up off your but and take a personal stand on this stuff. 

We employ tolerance to promote peace and continuity, but greed and reckless ideologies should not be part of what we put up with. 
MAY:                                                           "Quantum fun" 

Trying to clarify some quantum material I read (oxymoron?).....all I could conclude is: 

"Apparently we're pretty confident that all, or at least some, of the quantum universe probably, certainly or possibly exists somewhere, somtimes.... or not....it just depends on how, or if, you're looking at it." 
MAY '05:         
May:                            from my  "Quotesmefiles" 
"The Mona Lisa cannot be found in a bucket of paint.  It may seem that Truth can be found in the facts, but it only comes to life through application." 
April:                                                        "Frustrated" 

I'm not bigoted based on one's race, color or creed, but I must admit to becoming more and more intolerant of those who choose to be ignorant over being informed....... of those who choose not to learn the language and the social skills of the country in which they live, and of people that lack consideration, common decency and a basic understanding of how civilized people act. 

I'm becoming particularly intolerant of those who are born and raised in this country, who CHOOSE the aforementioned traits, .......then blame everyone but themselves for their problems. 
             Had to get that out. 
April:                                                         "Quotesmefiles" 

"So often, life has to do with attending to the edges..... and therein lies the art." 

"There's always a personal warmth with people who have explored and created a decent life process for themselves, even though it may be different than your own." 
                                                           Quote (Ray Bradbury) 

"We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out." (Ray Bradbury) 
February:                                                   "Discussions" 

A recent observation has settled into a saying that seems to ring true....at least to me: "Evangelists can't discuss religion" 

An evangelist may allow time for others to proffer questions and even submit some ideas or opinions; but ultimately, it's really about THEM having all the right answers....and THAT.....is not a discussion, that's a MISSION. 

So, next time someone shows the desire to discuss religion, or any esoteric subject for that matter, make sure to inquire as to the depth of their devotion to the facts.....as they interpret them. An actual discussion may not be possible. 
Jan. 22                               "Private commission work" 

I've seen my work displayed in many venues over the years, but seeing a finished piece in a private home is always a special treat.  In some mysterious way, I feel a part of me is always connected to their everyday life.   Somehow, I'm always there.   A simple pleasure, but very special indeed.    We all enjoy the simple pleasures in life, yet the most rewarding ones seem to simply fall into place when the right avenues are open. 

Actually, I'd love to be able to just give what I create to those who like what I do; but, as of this date, financial security prevents me from being that generous on any regular basis.  Actually, better said would be.....financial insecurity prevents me.
                                                  "QUOTESMEFILES" stuff
"One of our strongest traits is adaptability.  It allows us to contend with extreme physical and psychological changes in our surroundings and, unfortunately, also permits us to take far too much for granted."
"'Schrodinger's cat' is not only an illustration of the quantum theory of superposition, it's a good reason to insist on a closed casket funeral."
All of Joseph Holbrook's images and commentary, "Quotesmefiles"© etc., within this web site, are copyrighted. Written permission is required for any use.